Descargar "Mediterranean Underscore" por Steve Oxen

Pizzicato and piano driven underscore, with traditional Italian elements. Featuring mandolin, guitar, and accordion.

Pizzicato and piano driven underscore, with traditional Italian elements.

Versiones alternativas

  1. Reproducir pista 15 SecondDescargar
  2. Reproducir pista 30 SecondDescargar
  3. Reproducir pista 60 SecondDescargar
  4. Reproducir pista Faster VersionDescargar
  5. Reproducir pista Slower VersionDescargar
  6. Reproducir pista Stinger 1Descargar
  7. Reproducir pista Stinger 2Descargar
  8. WAV or STEM (Instruments separated by file) versions available upon request

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